Cachetmakers Contest Winners

for 2013 Cachets

Click on thumbnails to see larger images

Category 1
First Place
Argineh Zadoorian
Virgin and Child

Category 1
Second Place
Bob Emrick
Inverted Jenny

Category 2
Handpainted/Printed from original art
First Place
Fred Collins
Global Forever

Category 2
Handpainted/Printed from original art
Second Place
Fred Collins
Year of the Snake

Category 3
Handpainted/Printed from nonoriginal art
First Place
Chris Calle
Year of the Snake

Category 3
Handpainted/Printed from nonoriginal art
Second Place
Chris Calle
Folk Art Eagle

Category 4
Handpainted/Mechanically reproduced
First Place
Doris Gold
Rosa Parks

Category 4
Handpainted/Mechanically reproduced
Second Place
Doris Gold
Johnny Cash

Category 5
Printed art/Single color
First Place
Chris Lazaroff
Ray Charles

Category 5
Printed art/Single color
Second Place
Chris Lazaroff
Rosa Parks

Category 6
Printed art/Two colors or more
First Place
Julian Pugh
Year of the Snake

Category 6
Printed art/Two colors or more
Second Place
Lloyd de Vries

Category 7
Computer or Copier art/Single color
First Place
Chris Calle & Terry Ogletree
Emancipation Proclamation

Category 7
Computer or Copier art/Single color
Second Place
Tom Peluso

Category 8
Computer or Copier Art/Two colors or more
First Place
Tom O'Hagan
Battle of Lake Erie

Category 8
Computer or Copier Art/Two colors or more
Second Place
Tom O'Hagan
Battle of Lake Erie

Category 9
Miscellaneous Medium Cachets
First Place
Tom Peluso
Sealed with Love

Category 9
Miscellaneous Medium Cachets
Second Place
Tom Peluso
Battle of Lake Erie

Category 10
Federal and State Duck Covers
First Place
Fred Collins

Category 10
Federal and State Duck Covers
Second Place
Doris Gold

Category 11
Esoteric Covers
First Place
Gladys Jones
March on Washington

Category 11
Esoteric Covers
Second Place
Elena Cornejo
Althea Gibson

Category 12
Se-tenant Covers
First Place
Tom Peluso
Harry Potter

Category 12
Se-tenant Covers
Second Place
Fred Collins

Category 13
First Place
Tom Pairan
Gingerbread Houses

Category 13
Second Place
May Day Taylor
Medal of Honor

Category 14
Event Covers
First Place
Shawnna Pugh Altieri
Gettysburg Address

Category 14
Event Covers
Second Place
Todd Ronnei
Gettysburg Address

Category 15
Foreign Covers
First Place
Chris Calle
Marshall Islands: Headdresses

Category 15
Foreign Covers
Second Place
Argineh Zadoorian
Armenia: Golden Apricot Film Festival

Category 16
Rookie of the Year
Shawnna Pugh Altieri
Yes I Do

Category 17
First Place
Rollin Berger

Category 17
Second Place
Doris Gold

Category 18
Juniors age 10 and younger
First Place
Arianna Calle
Emancipation Proclamation

Category 18
Juniors age 10 and younger
Second Place
Arianna Calle
Flag for All Seasons-Summer

Category 19
Juniors age 11 to 17
First Place
Ian Calle
March on Washington

Category 19
Juniors age 11 to 17
Second Place
Ian Calle
Year of the Snake

Top Cachet of 2013
Gladys Jones
March on Washington

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