New Edition of C76 FDC Catalog
Just in time for the 50th anniversary of the historic event, the newly-revised edition of the first day cover catalog for Sc. C76 Moon Landing has 160 more items than the previous (2016) edition, thanks to the work of David S. Zubatsky and Bill Pry.
Published by the American First Day Cover Society, it may be purchased and downloaded by clicking this link. The price is $30 for members or $35 for non-members. Printed copies (unbound pages) are $37 and $42, respectively, and may be ordered online or from AFDCS Sales, Post Office Box 44, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-0044.
The original 1975 edition, by Monte Eiserman and Harry L. Anderson, contained black-and-white illustrations of 205 FDCs, history of the designing and production of the stamp, the first day activities, plate number information, postmarks, and descriptions of the three first day ceremonies.
Now, nearly all the 1,372 illustrations are in color. The catalog includes a section, "Paul Calle: Putting His Stamp On The Moon,” about the artist who designed the stamp.
"The 1969 First Man on the Moon stamp is the most iconic space related stamp ever issued," says stamp designer Chris Calle, Paul’s son. "As a collector of the C76 issue this is a most welcome catalogue for space collectors worldwide."