Use this online application form to apply for initial membership.
[Current members who want to renew online, click here.]
Online credit card payment required.
Want to pay by check? Download application here, print, complete and mail.
By applying for membership I agree to abide by the AFDCS Code of Ethics and agree to be bound by all rules and regulations of the Society and its bylaws.

Publication Fund Donation: to support production of handbooks, catalogs, and online programming
Regular Membership (U.S.)
Includes First Days delivered by mail and access to online version.
Includes First Days delivered by mail and access to online version.
Silver Membership (U.S.)
Includes First Days delivered by mail and access to online version. Amount in excess of regular dues is contribution in support of AFDCS and may be tax deductible.
Includes First Days delivered by mail and access to online version. Amount in excess of regular dues is contribution in support of AFDCS and may be tax deductible.
Gold Membership (U.S.)
Includes First Days delivered by mail and access to online version. Amount in excess of regular dues is contribution in support of AFDCS and may be tax deductible.
Includes First Days delivered by mail and access to online version. Amount in excess of regular dues is contribution in support of AFDCS and may be tax deductible.
Online Membership (worldwide)
Includes access to First Days online version (no copy in the mail).
Includes access to First Days online version (no copy in the mail).
Family Membership (U.S.)
Includes one copy of First Days delivered by mail (no additional copies for family members) and access to online version.
Includes one copy of First Days delivered by mail (no additional copies for family members) and access to online version.
One primary member; choose number of additional family members:
International Membership (non-U.S. resident)
Includes First Days delivered by mail and access to online version.
Includes First Days delivered by mail and access to online version.
Jr. Membership (U.S.), 1 year
Age 17 and under only. Includes First Days delivered by mail and access to online version.
Age 17 and under only. Includes First Days delivered by mail and access to online version.
Life Membership (U.S.)
Includes First Days delivered by mail and access to online version.
Includes First Days delivered by mail and access to online version.